Featured posts must meet our handmade, ethically or locally manufacured or sustainable design guidelines, as well as fit our general aesthetic. We feature fashion lines, photographers, toy companies or any company that falls in the above mentioned guidelines.
We cap featured posts at 2 per week or 8 per month.
Interested in a Featured Post or a Blog Ad Spot? Send us an inquiry via the form to the right
or email Brianne at FleurandDot@gmail.com
A featured post includes up to 8 photographs and 600 words. 1 post each to Facebook + Instagram plus all photos posted to Pinterest.
Interview, review or conversational format.
$25 | $40
A blog ad includes one photo ad (no words) showcased on home + post pages plus a brief caption under photo ad.
Top Tier spots are featured under the "Brands We Love" heading at the tip top of our home + post pages. Square photo format. Limit 3 per month.
$40 | $100 for 3 consecutive months.
Standard spots are featured below our Recent Posts heading. Photos is 2:3 ratio. Limit 8 per month.
$25 | $65 for 3 consecutive months.
Ad locations are rotated monthly.
Blog ads must meet our handmade, ethically or locally manufacured or sustainable design guidelines, as well as fit our general aesthetic. We feature fashion lines, photographers, toy companies or any company that falls in the above mentioned guidelines.
We cap blog ads at 3 Top Tier spots + 8 Standard spots.
10% off
when you schedule a
Featured Post
+ a Blog Ad!